Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Launceston Interfaith Spiritual Community: Walking a Path in Oneness

Launceston Interfaith Spiritual Community presents,

"Walking a Path in Oneness"

When: Monday 18th May, 1 - 2.30 pm. '

Where: Pilgrim's Ida Birchall Room, 36-38 Paterson St, Launceston.

Our topic this month is presented by Shari Landeg who takes this opportunity to celebrate a major rite of passage - her ordination as an Interfaith Minister in New York next month.  Shari will share insights about her spiritual journey and growth towards and on an inclusive path that celebrates diverse sacred expression and the oneness of our human family.   

Contemplation, meditation, sacred music, readings and inclusive prayer will open and close our time together.  All such offerings welcomed.  Enquiries: 0431909172

Hobart Baha'i Community: Soul Food - "Trustees of the Earth"

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Religions For Peace (TAS) Branch

Religions for Peace, TAS Branch

in support of,  "The Symphony of Peace Prayers"

The May gathering of Religions for Peace will be to join in with the 
Symphony of Peace Prayers, this year to be held on: 

Saturday 16th May from 2.00pm at Windsong, 452 Strip Road, Little Swanport.

Everyone is invited to bring some lunch and walk the labyrinth or forest walk in the morning 
and stay over for the ceremony. Enquiries to Tom Teniswood 62577583.

Part of the ceremony will include the inauguration of the 

Please note the Tasmanian event is on Saturday 16th May and not Sunday 17th May 
as advertised on the website for other venues. Transport leaving from Hobart.  
Enquiries to Terry 6272 6521.