Buddhist Prayer
May all beings enjoy happiness
And have whatever causes happiness
May they be free from suffering
And whatever causes suffering
May they never be separated from the
Pure happiness which is without suffering
May they remain in great equanimity
Beyond attachment or aversion, to things near and far.
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Sufi ‘Prayer for Peace’
Send Thy peace, O Lord, which is perfect and everlasting,
that our souls may radiate peace.
Send Thy peace, O Lord, that we may think, act,
and speak harmoniously.
Send Thy peace, O Lord, that we may be contented
and thankful for Thy bountiful gifts.
Send Thy peace, O Lord, that amidst our worldly strife
we may enjoy thy bliss.
Send Thy peace, O Lord, that we may endure all,
tolerate all in the thought of thy grace and mercy.
Send Thy peace, O Lord, that our lives may become a
divine vision, and in Thy light all darkness may vanish.
Send Thy peace, O Lord, our Father and Mother, that we
Thy children on earth may all unite in one family.
Hindu ‘Prayer for peace’
Oh God, lead us from the unreal to the real
Oh God, lead us from the darkness to the light
Lead us from death unto immortality
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti unto all
Peace, Peace, Peace unto all
Oh Lord God almighty, may there be peace in celestial regions.
May there be peace on Earth.
May the waters be appeasing.
May herbs be wholesome, and may trees and plants bring peace to all.
May all beneficent beings bring peace to us.
May thy Vedic Law propagate peace all through the world.
May all things be a source of peace to us.
And may thy peace itself, bestow peace on all
and may that peace come to me also.
Muslim 'Prayer for Peace'
In the name of Allah,
the beneficent, the merciful.
Praise be to the Lord of the Universe
who has created us and made us into tribes and nations,
That we may know each other, not that
we may despise each other.
If the enemy incline towards peace, do
thou also incline towards peace,
And trust God, for the Lord is the one that
heareth and knoweth all things.
And the servants of God,
Most Gracious are those who walk on the Earth in humility,
And when we address them,
we say "Peace."
Baha'i Prayer for Peace
Be generous in prosperity, and thankful in adversity
Be fair in judgment, and guarded in thy speech.
Be a lamp unto those who walk in darkness,
and a home to the stranger.
Be eyes to the blind, and a guiding light
unto the feet of the erring.
Be a breath of life to the body of humankind,
a dew to the soil of the human heart,
and a fruit upon the tree of humility.
Jewish Prayer for Peace
Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
that we may walk the paths of the Most High.
And we shall beat our swords into ploughshares,
and our spears into pruning hooks.
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
neither shall they learn war any more.
And none shall be afraid,
for the mouth of the Lord of Hosts has spoken.
Better than if there were thousands
of meaningless words
is one meaningful word
that on hearing brings peace.
Better than if there were thousands
of meaningless verses is
one meaningful verse
that on hearing brings peace.
And better than chanting hundreds
of meaningless verses is
one Dhamma-saying
that on hearing brings peace.
Celtic Blessing
Deep peace of the running wave to you
Deep peace of the flowing air to you
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you
Deep peace of the shining stars to you
Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you
Essene Gospel Of Peace
'God speaks to man'
I speak to you.
Be still, Know I am God.
I spoke to you when you were born.
Be still, Know I am God.
I spoke to you at your first sight.
Be still, Know I am God.
I spoke to you at your first word.
Be still, Know I am God.
I spoke to you at your first thought.
Be still, Know I am God.
I spoke to you at your first love.
Be still, Know I am God.
I spoke to you at your first song.
Be still, Know I am God.
I speak to you through the grass of the meadows.
Be still, Know I am God.
I speak to you through the trees of the forests.
Be still, Know I am God.
I speak to you through the valleys and the hills.
Be still, Know I am God.
I speak to you through the Holy Mountains.
Be still, Know I am God.
I speak to you through the rain and snow.
Be still, Know I am God.
I speak to you through the waves of the sea.
Be still, Know I am God.
I speak to you through the dew of the morning.
Be still, Know I am God.
I speak to you through the peace of the evening.
Be still, Know I am God.
I speak to you through the splendour of the sun.
Be still, Know I am God.
I speak to you through the brilliant stars.
Be still, Know I am God.
I speak to you through the storm and the clouds.
Be still, Know I am God.
I speak to you through the thunder and lightening.
Be still, Know I am God.
I speak to you through the mysterious rainbow.
Be still, Know I am God.
I will speak to you when you are alone
Be still, Know I am God.
I will speak to you through the Wisdom of the Ancients.
Be still, Know I am God.
I will speak to you at the end of time.
Be still, Know I am God.
I will speak to you when you have seen my Angels.
Be still, Know I am God.
I will speak to you throughout Eternity.
Be still, Know I am God.
I speak to you.
Be still, Know I am God.
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