Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Interfaith Tasmania - Hobart Event: A Sense of Time

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A unique monthly event - 3 pm. Sunday August 3rd  

Hosted in the Bahá’í Centre of Learning
1Tasman Highway, Hobart
This month’s program "A Sense of Time," will reflect on rejuvenation and transformation and how these two principles affect our material and spiritual development. The music for this program will be delightful and inspiring with the Bryan family musical group. So come and share this unique event, invite family and friends and contemplate the great promise for mankind given to us to enhance our understanding of God’s promise and continuous Divine Guidance. Soul Food is a unique, monthly, community event featuring live music, audio-visual pieces and readings from faiths and philosophers, authors, leaders and indigenous cultures from all around the world specially chosen to inspire us to work towards understanding and unity of nations, commencing in our homes, our Communities, States and Countries. Hosted in the tranquil ambience of the Bahá’í Centre of Learning, (Behind A.B.C. building) providing an opportunity to be inspired, uplifted and to celebrate our humanity and oneness in a spirit of friendship and unity. This pleasant meditative afternoon is a free community inspired event.  
Great refreshments served. For more information phone: 03) 6234 7654


Sunday, 27 July 2014

Interfaith Tasmania - Hobart Event: Images and Voices of Hope


Interfaith Tasmania - Launceston Event: Dharmachakra Day

Dharmachakra Day

Thursday 31st July - 10.30am

Palpung Kagyu Thigsum Chokyi Ghatsal
Tibetan Buddhist Institute

 13-15 Bryan Street, Invermay Launceston

Dharmachakra Day is an auspicious day in the Buddhist calendar, marking the Buddha's first sermon after his enlightenment at the Deer Park in Sarnath, India.  This teaching, and the others which followed, was likened to setting into motion, the wheel of the Dharma - the well known image of the Buddhist dharma wheel being a reminder of this great and significant occasion.   All are invited to join resident teacher, Venerable Lama Tsewang, the sangha and local community in prayer and celebration on this special day.  For details phone 03) 63349680.

About us: Palpung Kagyu Thigsum Chokyi Ghatsal Tibetan Buddhist Institute (PKTCG) is an official branch of Palpung Sherabling under the spiritual direction of the 12th Kenting Tai Situpa, a Golden Rosary lineage holder of the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. Founded in 2000 by Venerable Choje Lama Shedrup, the centre features authentic teachings and practices of the Kagyu lineage, daily meditation and puja sessions, and annual retreats.  It is located in a residential suburb of Launceston, Tasmania.  Accommodation facilities are also available - for a link to our weekly program and activities, see "Local Groups and Meetings" page.









Saturday, 26 July 2014

Interfaith Tasmania - Inclusivity

Like to list or promote your group, organization, community event or activities on our forum? Advocating universal harmony, celebrating diverse sacred expression, Interfaith Tasmania welcomes your enquiries.  Contact:

peace compassion unity sacred service harmony justice inclusivity respect.

Interfaith Tasmania - Hobart Event: Freedom of Belief and Religion


Australian Fair for Freedom of Belief and Religion

26 & 27 JULY 10AM - 5PM     
Venue: MONA - 655 Main Road, Berriedale TAS

The AFFBR  brings together the broad range of beliefs and religious views that form an important part of the contemporary Australian milieu.  Patrons will have the opportunity to sample a spectrum of opinion, and to attend a range of talks and workshops throughout the weekend - all within the unique setting of the Museum of Old and New Art.  Entry to the Fair is included with the museum price of admission, and free for Tasmanian residents.

For program details

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Interfaith Tasmania - Launceston Event: Mind Training Teachings

Palpung Kagyu Thigsum Chokyi Ghatsal
Buddhist Institute presents:

TEACHING WEEKEND: The Seven Points Of Mind Training (Lojong)


Date: Saturday 26th July 10-12 & 1-3pm.  Sunday 27th July 10-12 & 1-3pm
Venue: 13 - 15 Bryan St, Invermay Launceston. 

The Seven Points of Mind Training (Lojong in Tibetan) constitutes a system of practices. We review the seven points and focus on selected aphorisms to elucidate the practices and principles of this meditation system. Lojong practice is easy to approach, even for the novice and is well suited for application in the ordinary circumstances of contempory life, transforming our ordinary relationships with others and ourselves with the cultivation of loving kindness and insight. This Buddhist practice was initially brought to Tibet in the 11th century by the great Indian Dharma Master, Atisha. Since then all the Tibetan schools have come to treasure it.  This system of training includes instruction on both ultimate and relative Bodhicitta. 

Cost $50 per day -  Please bring a plate of vegetarian food for a share lunch. 

BIOGRAPHY - Venerable Lama Samten was born in West Tibet in 1944. He fled his homeland with his brothers, sisters and parents in 1959 when the Communist Chinese invaded. His entire
family of 13 members died crossing the Himalayas, only Lama Samten survived. He took his ordination in exile in India with the Very Venerable Khyabje Kalu Rinpoche and completed 10 years of solitary retreat under his guidance in the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.
In 1980 Lama Samten was sent to New Zealand by HH 16th Gyalwa Karmapa and spent 23
years there developing the Buddha Dharma. He retired in 2004 and now teaches internationally, guiding his many students in their practice and taking them on pilgrimage to holy Buddhist places around the world. He is the author of several books including “Living with Death and Dying” and has recorded a series of chanting Cds called “The Sounds of Liberation”.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Interfaith Reflection - David Suzuki

visit "Interfaith Reflections" to see insights from Mother Teresa, Ramakrishna,
The Dalai Lama, Tagore,  Thomas Berry, Rumi and others.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Interfaith Event: International Peace Day


The United Nations invites all nations and people to honor a cessation of hostilities during the Day, and to otherwise commemorate the Day through education and public awareness on issues related to peace.    

"On this International Day of Peace, let us pledge to teach our children the value of tolerance and mutual respect.  Let us invest in the schools and teachers that will build a fair and inclusive world that embraces diversity" - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon