Dharmachakra Day
Thursday 31st July - 10.30am
Palpung Kagyu Thigsum Chokyi Ghatsal
Tibetan Buddhist Institute
13-15 Bryan Street, Invermay Launceston
Dharmachakra Day is an auspicious day in the Buddhist calendar, marking the Buddha's first sermon after his enlightenment at the Deer Park in Sarnath, India. This teaching, and the others which followed, was likened to setting into motion, the wheel of the Dharma - the well known image of the Buddhist dharma wheel being a reminder of this great and significant occasion. All are invited to join resident teacher, Venerable Lama Tsewang, the sangha and local community in prayer and celebration on this special day. For details phone 03) 63349680.
About us: Palpung Kagyu Thigsum Chokyi Ghatsal Tibetan Buddhist Institute (PKTCG) is an official branch of Palpung Sherabling under the spiritual direction of the 12th Kenting Tai Situpa, a Golden Rosary lineage holder of the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. Founded in 2000 by Venerable Choje Lama Shedrup, the centre features authentic teachings and practices of the Kagyu lineage, daily meditation and puja sessions, and annual retreats. It is located in a residential suburb of Launceston, Tasmania. Accommodation facilities are also available - for a link to our weekly program and activities, see "Local Groups and Meetings" page.
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