Thursday, 4 December 2014

Interfaith Tasmania: Hobart - Sacred Feminine Workshop

Ecoevolutionaries presents,

Sacred Feminine Workshop

the final Wild-Heartfullness Journey for 2014

When: December 14th  10am - 4pm 

Where:  Herplace, 55 Old Farm Road, South Hobart  

Developing relationship with the sacred feminine is at the heart of global healing and transformation. It is also essential for the reemergence of the Anima Mundi, the soul of the world; the ancient wisdom and understanding of life’s oneness, of our Interbeing.

Join Ecoevolutionaries on December 14th for this final Wild Heart-fullness journey for 2014 and explore how the sacred feminine is speaking to you as we step heartfully into a new year of possibility.  Poet, David Whyte writes; ‘why are we the one terrible part of creation, privileged to refuse our flowering?’  If your Soul is your ultimate potential in the world, then the world cannot be fully itself until you become all of who you truly are.
Come & join us!

Cost: $40  Bookings essential at least 48hrs prior to workshop.  Heartful soup provided.  Phone Jill 0488391080 or email Astrid  Please bring a Journal & lunch to share.  For more information:

‘Jill and Astrid’s Evolutionary Workshops are vital to anyone wanting to engage in social, spiritual and environmental discourse…I can attest to the professional, passionate, inspired and uplifting qualities brought to the group experience by these two talented ‘agents-of-change’. Peter Adams, Founder/Director Windgrove Centre, Tasmania.

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